
1. What is rat race or pay cheque to pay cheque?

I will explain with an example of a story which I took from the book of Tony Robbins “Money – Master the Game“. It’s about a famous boxer called Lloyd Mayweather. Mayweather’s earlier strategy was – Fight, earn money, spend the money, fight again.
What was he actually doing, he fights and earns money and spends that money and when the money is over he goes for a fight again and repeats this process again and again.
Sounds silly isn’t it ?
My question is, are we doing the same thing?
We do our work/profession, earn the money, spend the money and repeat the process again and again.
This is what is called a rat race or pay cheque to pay cheque.
You may be thinking how do I get out of this process or is it possible to brake this pattern?
The answer is YES.
Yes it’s possible by following few simple things/steps.
When you receive your money invest some part of it. By doing this on a regular basis one can be out of the pattern called rat race.
To start this one thing has to changed from “Income – Expense = Saving“ to “Income – Investment = Expense“
You may be thinking if it is this simple how come everybody don’t do this.
That I will explain in my next session, till then wish you all a happy investing.